Search Engine Optimization_ Here's Where To Start

To get started with search engine optimization follow these steps.

Step 1: Determine the 10 most important keywords to target for search engine optimization.

Step 2: Create a title for your webpage that uses at least three of your targeted keywords. Be sure to make the title compelling enough to click.

Step 3_ Write a paragraph about your…

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Search Engine Optimization_ Finding Your Grail Keywords

For every business and website there are a few keywords potential customers will type into a search engine in order to find your product or service that will make up  the majority of your profit. I call these "grail" keywords. These are the words that you must absolutely show up on the first page of…

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Scheduled Server Upgrade_ Wednesday 2am Eastern Time

WebStarts is excited to announce we'll be upgrading our server capacity this Wednesday morning at 2am EST. Some account functions will be offline during this time. We expect limited access to accounts from 2am to approximately 3_30am. When the upgrade is complete your websites should experience an increase in performance.

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Test, Measure, and Track

When it comes to your online business the old adage still applies "If you don't know what you're aiming for - you're sure to hit it." I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to track your online visitors. Tracking your visitors is even more important when you're just staring out than when you're a…

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Keyword Research Part 3_ The Keyword Value Formula

In the last installment I showed you how to sort through keywords using the Google Keyword Suggest tool and figure out which are the most relevant and popular. In today's blog I'll expand on that and share with you the formula to determining the total value of a keyword. Determining the total value of a…

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Keyword Research Part 2_ Find More Keywords

In the last blog I left off with an introduction to Google's Keyword Search Tool. In this blog I'm going to further explain how you can use that tool to really hone in on your potential customers and get the most out of your keyword research.

As mentioned in the last blog there are two ways…

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Keyword Research Part 1_ Know Your Keywords

Before you embark on any search engine optimization campaign you have to know your keywords. What are your keywords? Keywords are the words people enter into a search engine to try and find your products and services. For example_ If you're selling baseball equipment some of the keywords you may want to optimize for are…

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Advertising Online Part_ Google Adwords Part 1

In case you didn't know Google makes virtually all of it's money from pay per click advertising. When you do a search on Google you'll see several results which are actually ads. These are typically the top two results at the top of the page and then all the results listed on the right hand…

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Search Engine Optimization_ The Basics

Search engine optimization or (SEO) is the process of optimizing web pages to achieve better search engine ranking. Good search engine ranking is important because it's the best way to drive relevant traffic to your website. And relevant traffic will ultimately lead to more leads and more customers for your business. In this article I'll…

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Starting A Business_ How To Setup Credit Card Processing

One of the very first things you need to do when starting a business is figure out how you're going to take money. Whether you're selling a product or a service you must make it as easy as possible for your customers to pay. The easiest way for most people to pay you will be…

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Starting A Business_ Choosing An Affordable Phone System

When starting a business one of the first things you'll need is a phone number. Maybe you think you'll start small and use your cell phone. I have to tell you that gets old quickly. Using your primary cell phone number as a business line will not let you easily separate your private life and…

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Starting A Business_ Resist The Urge To Spend Instead Of Work

When it comes to spending in business less is more. It forces you to become more efficient than your competitors. And business efficiencies are really where the money is made. Think of some of the great examples of people who took an idea a lot of other people had at the time but made it…

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Starting A Business_ You're In Business When You Have A Customer

One of the most difficult thing about getting a business started is knowing where to start. Some people think you have to get incorporated, do the research on all the appropriate business licenses, get an office, and setup all kinds of insurance policies. Don't be mislead. The first thing you need to do to start…

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Starting A Business_ Don't Catch A Case Of The "What Ifs?"

A common scenario that stops people from starting their own business and being successful in business is a case of what I call the "What If's?". This is when someone gets and idea for a business but every time they set out to pursue getting it started they ask themselves "What if?". Consequently they find…

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Starting A Business_ Products vs. Services

Something I've learned over the years is that there are two primary types of businesses. There are product businesses and service businesses. Product businesses are those businesses that produce something which can be made available to millions of people over and over. Great examples of product businesses are the TVs, cars, and coca cola. All…

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