Youtube is the third most visited website on the internet behind Google and Facebook. More and more people are turning to Youtube each day to find information about products and services online. If you haven't made Youtube part of your web traffic strategy you need to get busy setting up a Youtube channel today.
For those of you who have already discovered the power of having you're own Youtube channel you may know that one of the keys to success is getting a lot of subscribers. When you get a Youtube subscriber they'll be notified each time you post a new video. This really helps drive your video views and makes your videos show up more prominently across Youtube. Ultimately all those video views can be used to direct traffic back to your website.
Here's some good news. Youtube recently began allow you to embed a subscribe button right on your website. This will help get your move video views and ultimately keep your business on the top of your prospects mind. All you have to do to add a Youtube subscribe button to your WebStarts website is follow the simple steps below.
1. Go to the Youtube Subscribe Button Link
You can find the page
here. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see several different options for your Youtube subscribe button.
2. Enter your Youtube channel name.
Once you've determined which Youtube subscribe button you want to add to your website you'll need to customize it with your channel name. This will make sure people are subscribing to your specific channel. Notice in the options you can even show your Youtube avatar right next to the subscribe button.
3. Copy your customized code.
Now that you've chosen your button style and entered your channel name your embed code will appear in the field provided below the options. Copy that code to your clipboard by selecting it, right clicking, and choosing copy.
4. Paste your embed code onto your website.
Finally paste your embed code onto a page of your website. From the WebStarts editor view click the Inserts> HTML Code option, paste the code in the area provided and click "Apply". Your Youtube subscribe button will appear on your page. You can then drag and drop it wherever you'd like it to appear.
With your Youtube subscribe button on your website it will help get more video views and the more you can keep your audience engaged, the more likely they'll be to do business with you. If you don't already have a website remember you can always create one for free at