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Host A Talkshow On Your Website

Now you can host your very own talkshow on your WebStarts website with a new app from The Tokshow displays you on one side and your guest on the other. You're then able to freely engage in a real live talkshow just like you see on TV. Here's how you add the Tokshow app to your WebStarts website.

Step 1.

Go to and click on the "Plug and Play".

Step 2.

Choose the "Tokshow app" from the various apps displayed on the page by clicking on the "Get App Now" button.

Step 3.

Choose the size of video you'd like to display on your webpage and enter your email address. Your instructions will be emailed to you right away.

Step 4.

Copy the "iframe" code displayed in the email and add it to your  WebStarts website by clicking on the "Add HTML icon" on the toolbar and then pasting the code into the available area. Position the app on your page and save your changes.

Step 5.

Click the admin link in your email and launch the Tokshow admin panel. Be sure to enter the secret code displayed in the email to access the admin panel.

Once step 5 is complete you can send people to your webpage where they click on the "Get In Line" button to wait their turn for an interview. As the admin you can accept who you would like to interview by clicking on the "Next In Line" button through the Tokshow admin interface.

Don't forget to build your very own website with the #1 website builder