How To Do SEO For Your Facebook Page
Your Facebook page can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. However few businesses take the time to do search engine optimization to their pages and the posts they make to them. Here's a list of a few easy things you can do to your Facebook page to get better search engine ranking.
1. Target the right keywords.
All forms of search engine optimization start with keyword research and your Facebook page is not exception. You need to figure out which words your prospects are using when performing searches to find products and services like your on the internet. If you're not sure how to get started with keyword research you may want to try Google's keyword research tool. You simply type in a keyword or phrase a prospect might use to look for you online and the tool will make suggestions.
When it comes to your Facebook page you'll want to have a list of your eight more profitable keywords and phrases. You'll need to work these keywords into your Facebook page description and into your posts. If you're doing your posts you'll want to write a short description containing your keywords when you have the opportunity to "Say something about this link...". If you do not say something about the links you're sharing in each post you won't be able to take full SEO advantage of them.
2. Include a link to your website in your Facebook page description.
The one thing that will help your search engine ranking more than anything else are backlinks. Your Facebook page provides you with an opportunity to create one of these valuable backlinks to your website. Simply include the a link to your website in your Facebook page description by starting it with https:// (example:
3. Include keywords in your Facebook page description.
Now that you have targeted keywords and phrases you'll want to include them in your Facebook description using natural language. For example the Facebook page description says "Make a free website at". We're targeting the keywords and phrases "free website and make website".
By covering these basics you'll be able to get better search engine ranking for your Fanpage and pass some SEO juice to give your website better search engine ranking. Better search engine ranking leads to more traffic which ultimately leads to more prospects and clients for your business.
If you don't have a website you can create a website by using