5 Ways The WebStarts Designer Platform Makes Having A Web Business Easy

People ask me all the time how they can get started with their own online business. It's for this reason I started the WebStarts Designer Platform. The WebStarts Designer Platform is everything you need to launch your own web design firm in a matter of minutes. Here are 5 ways the WebStarts Designer Platform makes…

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How To Take Back Control Of Your Gmail From Google

If you're using Gmail as many of us do for your email you may have noticed some recent changes. Google has rolled out something they call tabs. The idea behind tabs is that Google is going to sort your email for you and tell you what's important and what's not. Each Gmail account now comes…

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How To Layout Your Website

When it comes to designing a website getting started is the toughest part. By following these few guidelines you'll be well on your way to designing a website that both looks good and communicates to your site visitors. Here's a short list of things if taken in consideration will put you on track to a…

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New Features! Text Shadows, Rounded Corners, and More.

Today I'm proud to announce new features and improvements to the WebStarts website builder. These changes will help you design a more modern looking website and give you access to features you can't find anywhere else. You can find these new features by clicking on an object and then clicking the small…

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How To Market Your Website

You've built a website but now you're wondering how to get people to come to it. To realize the full potential of having a website you'll need to market it. in this article I'll share with you 5 ways you can market your website and bring visitors to it.

1. Get listed on Google.

A recent study…

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How To Add A Facebook Page Widget To Your Website

If you haven't already created a Facebook Page for your business I highly recommend it. It's another way you can engage and promote your business online. The real benefits of having a Facebook Page happen when you get people to like your page. Adding a Facebook Page widget to your website is a great way…

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Drive More Traffic To Your Website With A Youtube Subscribe Button

Youtube is the third most visited website on the internet behind Google and Facebook. More and more people are turning to Youtube each day to find information about products and services online. If you haven't made Youtube part of your web traffic strategy you need to get busy setting up a Youtube channel today.


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5 Ways Other Website Builders Fall Short

If you're looking for the perfect place to build your website there are several things you should consider before making a decision. In this article I'll cover some of the biggest problems with modern website builders and how you can solve them.

1. Other website builders are too complicated.

Many website builders and content management systems are…

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Start Your Own Online Business With The WebStarts Designer Platform

Have you ever thought about going into business for yourself? Wouldn't it be great to finally make your own hours and be your own boss? Just about everybody these days is intrigued by the idea of going into business for themselves. The internet has become like a modern day gold rush with millions of people…

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New - Official Launch Of The WebStarts Designer Platform

Today I'm extremely excited to announce the launch of our designer platform. The WebStarts Designer Platform is the ultimate way for you to launch your very own web design and hosting business. It gives you all the power of  WebStarts and let's you brand it as your own. There's never been an easier way to…

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How To Preempt The Competition

Unless you're Google or the government you probably don't have a monopoly in the marketplace. This means you have competitors. In fact, one of the most common mistakes I think people make when they go into business is thinking they have to have a unique idea. If your idea has never been done there's…

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Get A Free $50 Twitter Ad Coupon From WebStarts

Here at WebStarts we're excited to announce our latest advertising partner -- Twitter. Now when you upgrade to one of our Pro Plus accounts you'll get a $50 advertising coupon from Twitter to go along with the $250 in advertising coupons from Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and others. That brings the total value of free adverting…

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How To Remove The Background From An Image

In this article I'm going to show you how to remove the background from an image using a tool called clippingmagic.com. Clippingmagic will let you upload an image and then remove the background image by cutting around the object in the photo you'd like to keep. It's great if for example you have a photo…

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How To Increase Conversion Rates By Limiting Choices

Converting leads into customers is hard. Especially on the web and even more so if you're relying on a strictly do-it-yourself, automated process. For many people it's a challenge just to get on their computers or phones and surf the web. If you're web savvy you probably take this for granted. In many ways computers…

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