Hopefully by now you're creating a lot of videos for your website to get traffic. As I've discussed in previous blogs Youtube is a such a great place to find new sources of traffic because it's now the world's third most popular website and yet…
If you've been doing research SEO then you may have heard the term "backlinks". Backlinks are links that go from other people's websites back to your website. The secret sauce to Google's algorithm is backlinks. The more relevant and credible websites that link to your website the more relevant and credible Google finds your website…
Backlinks are the bread and butter of getting better search engine ranking on Google. When you create a new website it doesn't have any other websites linking to it and for that reason Google doesn't know it exists and will not include it their rankings. There is a way around this, I'll share with you…
I get a lot of questions from people asking me how they should design their website. Most of the time these people are looking to sell things online or at least drive more qualified leads to their business. The best way to get started designing your a website is to ask yourself "What's the goal?".…
Whether you're running an online business or not use these 7 steps of selling to increase sales and conversion rates.
1. Build rapport.
People won't spend money with you if they don't like you (unless of course you're the government). Find something in common with your prospects to make them feel like you have something in common.…
Selling online can be a bit tricky. Many people are lured to the web by the promise of reaching huge numbers of people with little to no marketing budget. In the fifteen years I've been marketing products and services on the web and helping other market theirs as well I've learned it all comes down…
So you want to start an online business but you don't know how to write code. What are your options? The first thing that comes to mind for many people is to hire a web designer. After all the idea of hiring an expert to do something you cannot do or understand certainly sounds convenient.…
In order to create a business website with real success, you will have to pay attention to important aspects that other websites have been using for years. There are seven things you absolutely must have to become successful online and we want to make sure that you know what they are. If you plan to create a business website, you will need the following things:
1. A site you can keep up to date and control yourself
The average turn-around time for a webmaster to publish a change to a site is 11 days. You will need to make changes in real time if you hope to be competitive in the online world.
2. Targeted web traffic
67% of people say they look online first when searching to buy a product or service. You will need to get your site in front of the right people and seen as often as possible.
3. A way to capture leads
Gathering contact information for the people visiting your site will be a vital part of your longevity and productivity online. Studies show that 91% of people never come back to a website without being reminded it exists.
4. A way to follow up with leads
Companies who do not send regular follow up emails to their clients experience 300% lower conversion rates than those who do. You will need a system that will automate these follow ups for you if you plan to have a significant amount of traffic.
5. A way to take money
Having a checkout process to help you secure the sale is a no brainer. A merchant account that will allow you to take credit and debit cards will be a real way to generate profit for your company. A recent study showed that only 8% of people say they would do business with a website that only accepted PayPal so you will want to include a secure card processing platform to get at that other 92%.
6. A way to deliver the product
64% of people said shipping products in a timely manner was the most important aspect of online customer service. You will need to get the goods to the customer as soon as possible.
7. A way to track results
You must have a way to test and measure the effectiveness of your website. Otherwise you will have no idea what is working and what is not. Companies who don’t track their ad spending are 17 times more likely to fail. Lets make sure that yours is not one of them.
These seven things are exactly what you will need if you are to create a business website with real success. WebStarts is here to help you be successful and is built around these specific seven things. Call us today at 1-800-805-0920 and let us help you become successful online.
Have you ever needed to get a signed contract from a client but it required the cumbersome process of dealing with fax machines and scanners? Getting contracts signed is one of the biggest points of friction when it comes to securing a deal. Now with a new application from a company called HelloSign you…
In this article I'll tell you step by step how to take a screenshot of your any website. You can use screenshots in a variety of ways. They're helpful when showing off your website in print materials or building example galleries for a portfolio. Getting your website screenshot is easy. Just follow the instructions below.
Instagram has released a new way to link your website to your Instagram photos. It's called an Instagram badge. In this article I'll tell you step by step how you can add an Instagram badge to your WebStarts website.
If you don't already know Instagram is an app that helps you take great looking photos…
In this article I'll share with you a great tool that will help add all your social media posts to your website in one convenient place using a web application called Tint. You can find Tint by going to TintUp.com.
The first thing you need to do is sign up for a Tint. Once you're…
It's now easier than ever to create your own online store with WebStartsShoppingCart.com. Webstarts Shopping Cart includes everything you need to build and maintain your own online store. When you create an online store with WebStarts not only are you able to seemlessly add your own domain name but you can…