Why Make A Free Website With WebStarts?

There are many ways to make a website and some of them are free. So why choose to build a free website with WebStarts. In this article I'm going to share a few of the many reasons why you should choose to build your website with WebStarts.

1. Easy drag and drop interface that let's…

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How To Market A Website

In this article I'll give you four ideas on how to market a website. Many people think just by throwing a website up online people will find your website and it will be an automatic success. In reality this is far from the truth. Marketing a website takes patience, hard work, and determination like…

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New Feature - Instantly Accept Credit Card Payments From Your Website


Here at WebStarts we've released an exciting new feature that make it easier than ever to sell products online. Our new "Sell Products" app let's you sell products and accept credit card payments directly from your website instantly. Normally if you want to accept credit card payments on your website you have two choices. You…

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How To Create A Free Website

If you're looking for a place to create a free website there's no better place than WebStarts. Here are 5 reasons why WebStarts is the best free website builder and why over 2.5 million people already trust WebStarts with their website.

1. Easy to create a truly unique website.

While other website builders limit you to…

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How To Make Money Online

The first thing you need to make money online is a website. Your website is the cornerstone to your online business. It's important you get a website you're able to edit yourself. If you hire a web designer you'll spend a lot of money and you'll never be able to react to the changing market…

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How To Resize Images


In this article I'll show you how to resize images using WebStarts. Resizing your images will help your pages load faster and give you a more streamlined, better looking layout. To resize your images using WebStarts.com website builder follow these steps.

Step 1.

Upload an image to WebStarts. To upload an image to WebStarts you must first…

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How To Search Engine Optimization

In this article I will share with your how to do search engine optimization. Search engine optimization or SEO as it's known is the art of optimizing web pages with the goal of having them ranking better on search engines like Google. Only Google truly knows all the things they take into consideration when…

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How To Connect Your Facebook Account To WebStarts


Connecting your Facebook account to WebStarts will allow you the convenience of logging in with your Facebook credentials and will also make it easier for you to share updates to your website on Facebook as well as use Facebook widgets on your published website. You can easily link your Facebook account with WebStarts…

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How To Auto Play Music On Your Website

In this article I will tell you how to have music automatically play on your WebStarts website. With WebStarts you can easily add a music player to any webpage. You can even set the music to start playing when your page is loaded.

Step 1.

Login to your WebStarts account and choose to edit the page you'd…

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How To Promote A Website

In this article I will share with you a few tips on how to promote a website. You can make the most beautiful and informative website in the world but unless you promote it chances are it will never get found on the web. Here are a few simple ways how to promote a…

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How To Get Traffic

In this article I will explain to you how to get traffic to your website. Many people live under the false assumption that if they build a website people will automatically find it. This couldn't be further from the truth. There are billions of web pages on the internet and the chances they're going…

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How To Design A Logo

In this article I will teach you how to design a logo. There are several things you should consider when designing a logo. The first you need to decide is the goal of your logo. What type of feelings do you want to drum up in a person when they see it? How do…

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How To Design A Web Page

In this article I'll share with you step by step how to design a web page. Designing a web page can be fast, easy, and fun as long as you have the right tools. The best way to design a web page is by using WebStarts.com. WebStarts gives you everything you need to build…

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How To Get A .com

In this article I will explain how to get a .com web address. A .com web address is simply the most popular domain extension on the web. A domain is your web address. (For example "YourSite.com"). There are many different extensions for what are referred to as top level domain names.

Normally to get a…

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