5 Reasons To Create A Website With WebStarts.com

Over 2 million people have chosen to create a website with WebStarts™ and here's why...

1. Better Search Engine Optimization.

WebStarts was built from the gound up with search engine optimization in mind. You can have the best looking website, the best, the best service in the world but if nobody knows where to find you it's…

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5 Awesome Features of WebStarts You Don't Know About

WebStarts is by far the most feature loaded website builder out there. In fact, there are so many features we noticed a lot of our clients don't even know they're available. Today I'd like to highlight 5 powerful features of WebStarts that you probably didn't even know were available.

1. Members

There are no other website builders…

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Start A Sales Army

Looking for your business to grow? Of course you are. Now there's a new feature released from Square that will help you mobilize a complete sales force by giving them the ability to accept credit card payments on your behalf. That's right, your staff can take credit card payments right from their iPhone, iPad, or…

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Facebook Marketing - Promoted Posts

Facebook recently launched a new feature called Promoted Posts. With Promoted Posts you can take an post to your Facebook Page and promote it to those who have liked your page. Normally Facebook will only show your posts in a fraction of the feeds of those who like your page. They determine whether to show…

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Increase Converstion Rates - Don't Let Web Traffic Get Distracted

In many ways marketing products and services online is much more difficult than traditional, in person, face to face marketing. One of the many challenges you must overcome as an internet marketer is the distraction factor. In our modern lives at any given moment we're prone to distraction. Whether it be our cell phone, tv,…

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How To Get More Web Traffic From Facebook

Many WebStarts users are not aware of the powerful features contained within each account. We designed WebStarts to be a serious website building platform. Knowing the biggest challenge to running a website is getting web traffic we've created several functions within WebStarts designed specifically to drive more traffic to your website.

Today I want to…

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3 Keys To Increasing Your Conversion Rates

Many people think starting an online business is an easy way to make money. Although it's true the internet opens a business up to a worldwide audience it's actually not any easier to convince someone from that audience they should buy from your company. In many ways it's much harder to do business on the…

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How To Make A Facebook Page

Facebook is the most popular website in the world. If you're a business and you want to tap into this huge audience you need a Facebook page. Setting up a Facebook page is easy. Follow these steps to create your very own Facebook page.

Step 1_

Login to your existing Facebook account or sign up for one…

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3 Ways To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page

Facebook is the most popular website in the world and one of the best ways you can tap into that pool of users is to setup your very own Facebook page. Once you've created a Facebook page you'll want to get as many people to "Like" your page as possible. Once someone "Likes" your page…

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New Features at WebStarts.com! The World's Most Powerful Website Builder

Today we're excited to announce two more new features of WebStarts. As you may know last week we introduced the ability to add a ton of new fonts. This week we're adding the ability to use those fonts in your navigation menu across your website. You can do this by clicking to selecting your menu…

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How To Get More Business With A Square Credit Card Reader

Now you can get more business just by using Square. Not only does Square provide you with a dead simple way to take credit card payments from your iPhone, iPad, or Android device but they will also include your business in their directory.

The Square Directory is made up of all the businesses that take Square…

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3 Ways To Get More Feed Views On Facebook

Did you know Facebook uses an algorithm to choose what's displayed in your news feed? That's right, just like Google uses an algorithm to display what you will think of as a relevant search result Facebook has an algorithm to determine what you think is a relevant post. This can present a problem for would…

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