New Fonts Have Arrived

One of the most frequently requested things we get at WebStarts is the ability to add more fonts. Up until now there have been some technical limitations which prevented us from offering a wider variety of fonts. The fonts we've offered to date have all been "web compatible". That means all web browsers natively support…

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6 Ways To Get More Leads From Your Website

Everybody wants more leads. More leads means more customers and more customers mean more money in your pocket. Unfortunately leads don't come cheap. Client acquisition cost is the highest expense in business. That means businesses spend more money trying to get new clients than any other aspect of their business. Getting one visitor to come…

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Are Your Google Results Up To Date?

One of the critical things Google uses to measure where your website should rank amongst search results is the frequency at which you update your website. When users find up to date, frequently updated sites on Google they think of Google being a more accurate search engine. This helps Google sell their advertising and supports…

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3 Reasons You Should Be Advertising On Yahoo And Bing

Are you advertising on Yahoo and Bing? These days everyone is scrambling to try and get on Google. Advertising on Google Adwords however is very competitive and can be outrageously expensive. For example the most expensive term "health insurance" cost an advertiser $43 per click last year on Google. Google's not the only game in…

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WebStarts Partners with Square To Provide Even More Advantages

WebStarts is pleased to announce a partnership with Square. Square is changing the way small businesses process credit card payments by providing one low flat rate of 2.75% on every transaction. If you've ever had a typical merchant account for accepting credit card payments then you know the true cost of taking those payments can…

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3 Ways To Do Search Engine Optimization On Your Twitter Account

Do you have a Twitter account for your business? Many businesses have taken to Twitter as a way to stay in communication with their clients and to publish relevant information and offers from their company. Even if you have a Twitter account for your business it may not be obvious you should be using Twitter…

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5 Reasons To Get A Local Search Engine Listing

One of the best things about the inernet is the ability to reach a global audience. For companies who are looking to reach a global market the internet has become the #1 weapon in their marketing arsenal. But what about the small neighborhood business? How does the internet fit into their marketing strategy?

If you're one…

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How To Add A Rollr Share Button To Your Website

One of the best ways to generate traffic to your website is through a blog. Writing a blog not only helps improve your search engine ranking by consistently creating new and original content but it can also bring an audience back to your website time and time again. If you haven't already signed up for…

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Why 96% Of Websites Fail To Get Good Search Engine Ranking

When it comes to search engine optimization content is king. If you want to get web traffic from Google you must be regularly creating new and original content and posting it to the web. But there's a problem. Most small business owners are too busy running their business and fail to create the original…

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How To Add An Alexa Ranking Widget To Your Website

Have you heard of is famous for compiling traffic ranking for every website in the world. When you have a high Alexa ranking your clients view you with more credibility, search engines give you better ranking, and of course you get bragging rights.

One of the little know secrets about Alexa is how they…

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WebStarts Now Offers Live Chat With Our Web Experts

In an effort to continually provide better service to our clients we now offer live chat on most of our pages. You now have the ability to chat with one of our live web experts. Our live web experts are online between the hours of 10am and 5_00pm EST. Simply click the chat box that…

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How To Make Money Online

Making money online is something that everybody wants to do. After all, what's better than making a steady income without ever having to drive to work? At WebStarts, we've been around the block and we know what is actually involved in making money online. By far the easiest way to get started making money online…

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How To Put Your Facebook Photos On Your Website

With WebStarts is extremely easy to put your Facebook photos directly on your website. All you need to do is connect your WebStarts account to your Facebook account using Facebook Connect. Once your accounts are connected you'll be able to access photos from your Facebook account and place them directly on your website from your…

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Like us. Share us. Get 1GB Of Free Storage

Go to our Facebook page at http_// to like us and share us and we'll give you a free gigabyte of storage. You'll get your free 1GB of storage applied to your account in the next 24 hours.

Don't forget to connect your Facebook account to your WebStarts account to make it easy to virally share…

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