Microsoft Launches New Social Network

A lot of people were caught off guard when Microsoft quietly launched it's own social network to compete with Facebook and Google+ yesterday. The new social network let's you sign up using your Facebook account and gives you several ways to find and follow friends as well as interests.

One particularly interesting feature is the ability…

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How To Add A Pinterest Follow Button To Your Website

Pinterest is one of the fastest growing websites on the internet and a good place to get new traffic to your website. Pinterest is a place where you can post photos of the things you like on the web and share them with your friends or the entire Pintrest community. You can now easily add…

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The 5 Secrets To Driving Traffic To Your Website

Everyone wants traffic to their website but very few people know exactly how to do it. In this article I'm going to share with you the 5 secrets to driving traffic to any website. Driving traffic to your website is the best way to get extremely targeted leads and should be the goal of most…

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How To Add Facebook Comments To Your Website

Adding Facebook comments to your website is a great way to get your audience engaged with your website and drive viral traffic to your website. It's easier than ever to add Facebook comments to your website using To add Facebook comments to your website follow these steps.

Step 1_

Login to your account and…

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New HTML5 Video and Audio Player

Today we've launched new video and audio players for WebStarts. The new HTML5 player allows audio and video on your website to be played back on iOS devices like iPhone and iPad. If you have videos or music already on your website you'll need to update those players by re-adding them in order to see…

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It's Now Easier Than Ever To Run An Email Marketing Campaign With WebStarts

Today we're releasing a new feature in your WebStarts account to make it easier than ever to send marketing emails to leads you capture for a from on your page. Now when you capture lead data using a form created with our form builder within your account your leads will be automatically placed into the…

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How To Add A Search Engine To Your Website

There's a great new way to create a custom search engine that will allow your visitors to search only the pages of your website. It's created by a company named swiftype and it's available to use with your website for free. Here are step by step instructions how you can create a search engine for…

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Add A Rollr Button To Your Website And Go Viral

Everyone is looking for better search engine ranking and more traffic to their website. Today I want to share with you a secret tool you can use to not only get better search engine ranking but also drive massive amounts of viral traffic to your website. Rollr is a social blogging platform. It's more expansive…

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The 7 Deadly Sins Of Internet Marketing

A recent study suggests there are 7 things you need to successfully sell products online. Sadly most people don't implement these things and that's why 96% of internet businesses fail. By avoiding these 7 deadly sins you'll ensure you're not included in the long list of failed businesses.

1. Can't get their website built and updated…

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Let your website visitors upload large files on your website.

Have you ever had a file that was too big to send over email? If so, there's good news. You can now place an upload widget on your WebStarts website and allow your site visitors to send you large files right from your website. Here are the step by step instructions on how to put…

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The Domain Shortage Crisis

The internet is still expanding at an exponential rate. The number of people online is expected to double again by the year 2016. This has caused a huge boon in the domain name business. Domain names ending in .com are naturally the most popular and are being snatched up at an exponential rate. This is…

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3 Reasons You Must Update Your Website Regularly

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to your online presence is failing to keep your website updated. There are many reasons why people don't make keep their website up to date. If you build your website in a traditional manner you need to create your content, be at the computer…

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How The Yellow Pages Died

A recent study shows nearly 80% of all people now use the internet rather than the Yellow Pages to find local services. With a surge in people using mobile devices like iPhone, iPads and Android devices to access the internet on the go the traditional printed Yellow Pages have lost their luster and it's only…

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How to create a link to your Facebook page from your website.

With nearly everyone now using Facebook many businesses and organizations are finding it important to have a presence on the social networking platform. Although a Facebook page is far too limiting to be used in place of a website it can still be a part of your online marketing efforts. With WebStarts you can easily…

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Host A Talkshow On Your Website

Now you can host your very own talkshow on your WebStarts website with a new app from The Tokshow displays you on one side and your guest on the other. You're then able to freely engage in a real live talkshow just like you see on TV. Here's how you add the Tokshow app…

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